This has been a podcast in the making for quite some time now and I intended to launch in May, then June, and then finally just said JULY 1st NO MATTER WHAT! So here we are!
Profitcast will be a weekly podcast, released every Tuesday (New Podcast Tuesdays!). I’m here to help you to profit with your passion podcast and grow a large and loyal audience. I am not an expert but I intend to become one – I’m on the journey of discovery and mastery!
About The Real Brian
I share a little about who I am and what I’ve done that directly relates to Profitcast. I also talk about why I launched Profitcast and why it’s so important to me. There are a few stories… and there will be more. :)
What Profitcast is and why I’m doing it
I’ll discuss the following about Profitcast:
- Tagline – “Where Passion Meets Profit”
- Passion podcasters
- Backstage Pass example
- The nagging question – how do I make a living and pay the bills with podcasting?
The plan for Profitcast
- I intend to research, learn, and compile all of the information out there to learn how to specifically, effectively, and successfully make money with a passion podcast and deliver it to YOU!
- Join me on the journey – we can learn together!
- The secondary idea here – growing a large and loyal audience
- Not making money at expense of listener
- Ways we can master our podcast
- Interviewing other podcasters
- Experimenting
- My belief
Action vs Perfectionism
- Why Profitcast didn’t launch sooner
- The decision to act and move rather than perfect
- Make decisions quickly (within reason) rather than agonizing over them
- Be as excellent as possible but not perfect
- Grow as we learn and master things and make things sound and look better as we are able and have the time to
- Paralysis by analysis
Now what?
- Take action on the strategies discussed immediately
- Give the Profitcast Universe feedback on your successes and learning moments so we can all learn together!
- Give me your feedback on the show!
- Sign up for the Profitcast Newsletter below!